Using Generative AI in Healthcare: Opportunities and Best Practices

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, March 14 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Event Location

Location: W207C

Event Information

Type: Industry Solution Sessions

Session ID: 179

Title: Using Generative AI in Healthcare: Opportunities and Best Practices

Description: Join us to explore the potential of generative AI technology to help improve patient experiences, streamline workflows, and enhance the overall healthcare journey. Our panel of experts will share their experiences and insights on the latest trends and best practices for implementing generative AI technology in healthcare settings. Whether you are a healthcare provider, payor, administrator, a startup innovator or technologist, this session will provide valuable insights and practical guidance on how to leverage AI technologies to improve healthcare delivery.

Learning Objective #1: Understand the potential using generative AI to improve patient outcomes, streamline workflows, and enhance the overall healthcare experience.

Learning Objective #2: Explore the different applications and experiences where AI can be used in healthcare, including integration with internal systems and third-party data sources.

Learning Objective #3: Develop strategies for addressing common concerns related to data security, privacy, accuracy, and equity in the use of AI technology in healthcare.


